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Boxed tofu is easier to preserve, but it must still be refrigerated in the refrigerator to ensure that it will not rot within the shelf life. If it cannot be eaten at one time, it can be cut and used according to the required amount, and the remaining part can be put back into the freezer for the convenience of eating next time.
As a food with both food and medicine, tofu has many functions, such as supplementing qi, tonifying deficiency and so on. Generally, the calcium content of 100g tofu is 140 mg-160 mg. Tofu is high in protein in plant food, containing 8 kinds of essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin lacking in animal food. Therefore, often eating tofu can protect the liver, promote body metabolism, increase immunity and detoxify.
The disadvantage of tofu is that the soybean protein contained in tofu lacks an essential amino acid - egg atmosphere acid. If it is eaten alone, the utilization rate of protein is low. For example, if it is combined with some other foods, the egg amino acid lacking in soybean protein can be supplemented, and the proportion of the whole amino acid tends to be balanced, so that the human body can fully absorb and utilize the protein in tofu. The content of methionine in eggs and meat protein is high. Tofu should be mixed with such foods, such as tofu fried eggs, minced meat tofu, Braised Tofu with meat slices, etc. In this way, the utilization rate of protein in tofu can be improved.
一、 豆腐及豆腐制品的蛋白質含量豐富,而且豆腐蛋白屬完全蛋白,不僅含有人體必需的八種氨基酸,而且比例也接近人體需要,營養價值較高;
1. Tofu and tofu products are rich in protein, and tofu protein is a complete protein. It not only contains eight kinds of amino acids necessary for human body, but also the proportion is close to human needs, with high nutritional value;
二、 豆腐內含植物雌激素,能保護血管內皮細胞不被氧化破壞,常食可減輕血管系統的破壞,預防骨質疏松、乳腺癌和前列腺癌的發生,是更年期婦女的保護神;
Two. Tofu contains phytoestrogens, which protect endothelial cells from oxidative damage. Regular diet can reduce the damage of vascular system, prevent osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate cancer, and protect menopausal women.
3、 Rich soybean lecithin is beneficial to the development and growth of nerves, blood vessels and brain;
四、 大豆蛋白能恰到好處地降低血脂,保護血管細胞,預防心血管疾??;
4、 Soy protein can properly reduce blood lipid, protect vascular cells and prevent cardiovascular disease;
五、 此外,豆腐對病后調養、、細膩肌膚亦很有好處。
Five, in addition, tofu is also good for curing, losing weight and delicate skin after illness.
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