


熱門搜索: 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機 豆漿石磨機 石磨面粉機
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  The improvement of people's living standards has changed People's Daily eating habits, from the previous only for food and clothing, to the present balanced nutrition, green and healthy. And the emergence of stone mill flour machine is to provide a healthy eating environment for everyone, to create convenient conditions. So what are the characteristics of stone mill products?
  Stone mill flour machine in the production of products features are: it keeps the nutrients of flour, at present, China's wheat flour processing, it takes two process, high speed, high temperature under normal circumstances, the vitamins, minerals, most of the activity and nutrients are destroyed, for this kind of situation, introduced stone mill low temperature processing method, reasonably, beneficial to health.
  Stone mill flour machine is the use of scientific groove stone texture grinder, so that flour can be ground at low speed and low temperature, relative to the mechanical flour machine, its output is relatively low, but it reduces the number of times the wheat grinding, The aroma, protein, carotene, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, dietary fiber and other nutrients of wheat germ are completely retained without any additives. The quality of flour is therefore guaranteed to the maximum.
  From the perspective of taste and taste, the stone flour mill retains the wheat flavor and tastes very good because it is carried out at a low speed and low temperature, while the mechanical flour mill does not taste wheat flavor due to the additives in the flour, which is not delicious. In summary, the function of the stone mill flour machine is healthier and greener than that of the mechanical flour machine, and the flour it grinded out can meet the requirements of the public taste more.
  As we all know, now is an era of green and harmonious development, we need green, need health, so the stone mill is your best choice. So if you want to learn more, come to our website www.yudikj.com.
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